
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Isadora Gloss Stick

Now I already reviewed the Isadora Gloss Stick before when I compared it to the Clinique Chubby Stick here, but I wanted to try another color (even though there are only 4 shades altogether). Again it was 12 €, this time I picked the color 07 Coral Cocktail.
I love coral shades, they suit everybody! Again the Gloss Stick is just as sheer as the regular Glossy Sticks, which is ok I guess as long as it has moisture and looks good on the lips.
I have to say that I’m a bit disappointed because I hoped this shade wouldn’t turn out so flakey on my lips…maybe my lips are the problem? It does give moisture but not as much as the Cubby Stick. What I find extremely strange is that this coral shade looks really pink on my lips! I looked again after half an hour and it was even more pink…it really has a strange effect on my lips and to be honest I have to reapply after an hour or so. I’d rather buy another Chubby Stick because I’m afraid all Gloss Sticks are this flakey on my lips!


  1. Hey =) Natürlich wird es dazu einen Review geben...muss ja auch meinen Senf dazu tun *lach* Bin echt mal gespannt ob sich die vielen Euros dafür auch lohnen o.O Finde dass den chubby sticks noch nichts das Wasser reichen kann.Bin einfach nach wie vor ein großer Fan davon :)

    Liebste Grüße

    1. ja muss ich mittlerweile auch zugeben, habe gehofft etwas günstigeres zu finden als die chubby sticks haha
      freu mich auf dein review!

  2. I actually checked it out today, the shades look great, but I'm still not sure that I want to spend this much for a drug store product....
    Oh and about the texture, it felt a bit weird... and you said it looks flakey, so I will give it a pass after all..
    Thank you for the review! it's really helpful! :)

    1. yeah you told me you were going to take a look at them! I would rather invest in the chubby stick now again, I thought it was the other color that made the isadora gloss stick that flakey but they are all like that :( thanks for commenting dear!

  3. Hey schöner Blog :)
    Schau doch mal bei mir vorbei wenn du magst:

    lg Cherry

  4. I agree, everybody suits the colour coral! It's a shame this product didn't work for you, I would head to the drugstore and get it if it did.

    1. better try it first in the store though, it looks so different worn!

  5. Wow,such a beautiful color...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  6. Ui die kannte ich noch gar nicht, stehn dir super, werd mich auch danach umsehen! :)

    1. danke dir :) es gibt ja leider nur 4 farben glaub ich!


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