
Thursday, April 18, 2013

TAG Daily Life

I got tagged by Einzelkind ( today for the topic “daily life” (or Alltag in german). Thanks for tagging dear! So here are the questions and answers (which Einzelkind also already conveniently translated into english):
1.)What your favorite food from your country/city?                                                         

If from my country Russia than it would be Schi, a traditional soup. If from Germany than it would be Linseneintopf, “lentil stew”.

2.)Drive by car or public transport?
I have to take the bus because I have no drivers licence and I love sitting there and listening music but I still prefer car…

3.)On the week-end:Beeing a couch potato or go clubbing?

Couch potato all the way. I only want to go out about 2 times a month. I love being lazy and just eating and watching tv.
4.)If you had 1000€ would you buy make up or go on a luxury vacation?

I have enough make-up so I would go on vacation!

5.)Would you rather abstain from foundation or mascara?
From mascara, because I absolutely need foundation.

6.)You need to give up your cosmetic collection.Just 2 things survive.Which ones?

My Diroskin Nude BB creme and Clinique Almost Make-up Powder, although this would be a tragedy to me…

7.)Do you prefer high-end cosmetics or drugstore cosmetics?

I get disappointed less with drugstore make-up because I invest less but I love having a high class product, can’t decide!
8.)Du you prefer open hair or ponytail?

I alway have it open.

9.)Wear you make up while doing sports?

I almost always wear make-up, it would be less though.
10.)Is your flat proper or chaotic?

Unfortunately I have to admit that I am extremely chaotic and have to clean daily to maintain the chaos at least a little…

11.)Do you prefer to order your things online or do you prefer to take a walk trough the city?
Both are different shopping experiences but right now I prefer returning home with a bag full of new things after a nice afternoon in the city!

12.)Would you borrow your cosmetics to friends?
Not the most expensive products that I use myself currently, but generally yes!

13.)Could you rather abstain from cosmetics or sweets?

Sweets, but it would be tough!

14.)Do you like karaoke or would it be displeasing to you?
I love it, went there while in China and it was awesome! I can’t sing though.

15.)Are you a lone wolf or a family person?                                                                 
Family person definitely, unfortunately I don’t have so much time for my family right now because of university!

I’m tagging:


  1. Replies
    1. willste dich mit-taggen :D ?? würde gerne deine antworten sehen!

  2. Ich beneide jeden der sein Haar offen tragen darf ^^"

    1. du kannst wegen der arbeit nicht oder? das wäre für mich die hölle haha ich finde mir steht ein pferdeschwanz gar nicht!

  3. Cooler TAG!

  4. Ich danke dir für's taggen :) werd mich die nächsten Tage gleich mal hinsetzen und die Fragen beantworten :)


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